Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Simmons: Sporting emotions at the highest pitch

Simmons: Sporting emotions at the highest pitch

I couldn't agree more with Bill. I actually did a research paper on how much nationalism, politics, pride, and culture is tied to soccer in countries like Mexico. Wonderful for soccer. Bill Simmons supporting soccer. This gives me a new respect for the shameless Boston fan.

Anytime a celebrity or athlete comes out and shows they are a soccer fan, I immediately fall in love with that star and realize that they can never do wrong. A prime example is Kobe's soccer skills on display for the cover of ESPN the Mag donning Barcelona gear. Before, he was arrogant, a rapist, and a Laker; now he is confident, a victim of whorish lies, and a Barcelona fan. I am no Barcelona fan by any means, but for the simple fact that he let himself be pictured with a soccer ball makes Kobe an all-time favorite of mine. It works both ways though. Whenever someone disses soccer publicly I am automatically against everything they stand for no matter who they are. If Barack or Taylor Swift came out against soccer I would immediately become a Republican or end my crush. There are a few exceptions however; Bill Belichick, Detroit Basketball fans, and Nickelback will never have my respect no matter if they are soccer hooligans or not. Sorry.

Thank you Bill Simmons for redeeming yourself. America, you are next.

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  1. Like this post. Like what you're beginning here with the blog.

    Interesting to me: I was confident 20 years ago that soccer's world dominance would eventually spill over into America, that at least it would have to be reckoned with. It's a beautiful game. More demanding of athletes than 90% of what passes for "all-American" sports. And, for seeming simplicity, it's complexity surpasses most other sports. When you were much younger, Jared and Joe, I'd get steamed at the ways some parents would put down soccer (did we put down their games? Well, maybe a little). At the same time, I was confident soccer was not only emerging and would eventually be respected, but its disciplines and joys at individual, team and spectator levels were the right direction to go.

    I regret, Jared, that I did not encourage you to play American football ALSO. As it turns out, your speed and agility as a wide receiver or safety would have served any football squad well. But, if I recall, the chances of getting on the field and ever touching the ball were pretty slim. Maybe that's worth a blog post someday.

  2. haha victim of whorish lies...
    ...way to fix my fonts...and take
    liberties with fitzgerald...
